Travel the eezy way! – our simple check-in/check-out tariff for the whole of NRW. No worries about price levels or network boundaries.
How works makes bus and rail travel very simple: It means you can be mobile throughout North Rhine-Westphalia without any knowledge of tickets or fares.
When you start your journey, simply click the “Check in now” button, confirm your starting stop and off you go. No matter how often you change trains, you only check out again at the end of your journey. The fare is then automatically calculated on the basis of a fixed basic price as well as the distance “as the crow flies” between the start and the destination – regardless of the actual journey route undertaken.
To use eezy, you need the Rheinbahn App. In addition to intelligent timetable information, this also offers you a map function with detailed display of footpaths. This means you travel not just from stop to stop, but from door to door.
Pricing information
The price for a journey with in the VRR area is never higher than a single ticket at the respective price level (exception: journeys in 1st class).
And: No matter how often you travel using eezy: Within a 24 hour period, you will be charged a maximum of 25 euros (in the zone of the Rhine-Ruhr Verkehrsverbund) or 30 euros (in NRW).
A detailed price overview of can be found in the adjacent chart.